Tacx flux s noise
Tacx flux s noise

The type of modeling utilized is determined by the latest industry standards and the needs of both the regulatory agencies involved and the project specific demands. CAJA utilizes the latest air quality modeling practices and techniques to accurately and precisely quantify air pollutant emission and concentration levels both during construction and after project completion. Most regulatory agencies require an evaluation of air pollutant emissions levels and/or concentration levels of criteria pollutants such as ozone, nitrogen dioxide, carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide, and particulate matter to determine the impact of a project to air quality. Greenhouse Gas Emission Analysis EMISSION INVENTORY DEVELOPMENT AND AIR DISPERSION MODELING.The comprehensive approach CAJA brings to these tasks provides extensive evaluation of a project while eliminating costly and unnecessary environmental analysis.ĬAJA offers expert assistance in air quality assessment and mitigation, including: Preparing, noticing, and distributing the IS/MND or EA/FONSI.Identifying viable mitigation measures and project conditions that would reduce impacts to a less-than-significant level.Preparing Environmental Information forms and a detailed IS or EA.Overall, this process generally includes: If the results of the analysis indicate that an EIR or EIS is not required, CAJA will prepare a Negative Declaration (ND) or Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND) pursuant to CEQA, or a Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) pursuant to NEPA. In addition to more extensive environmental documentation, CAJA prepares Initial Studies (ISs) and Environmental Assessments (EAs) that investigate the scope of potential impacts resulting from a project and ultimately determine whether or not an EIR under CEQA or EIS under NEPA is required.

tacx flux s noise

INITIAL STUDY/NEGATIVE DECLARATION & ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT/FINDING OF NO SIGNIFICANT IMPACT PREPARATIONĬAJA specializes in a wide-ranging identification of constraints and opportunities created by a project and identification of project alternatives that minimize or avoid significant impacts to the environment.

tacx flux s noise

Environmental documents are always prepared in a manner that meets CAJA’s exacting standards of quality, with specific emphasis placed on a clear and substantive writing style. CAJA’s EIRs are prepared to the standards and requirements of CEQA, the State CEQA Guidelines, the Office of Planning and Research guidelines, State planning and zoning laws, and applicable lead agency regulations. With regard to this, the firm has earned a reputation for being conscientious in its approach and responsive to tight schedules and emergent problems. Reviewing quality and content of all technical analyses.Įnsuring compliance with style, format, and content requirements of responsible and lead agencies.ĭeveloping new methodologies as appropriate to meet the specific needs of a particular project.Īdditionally, since CAJA specializes in environmental analysis and documentation, the project management staff can apply all available resources towards regularly upgrading our analytical approach and quality standards. CAJA is responsible for all document preparation tasks, including: A document that provides thoughtful and well written responses to issues raised during the environmental review process is the best means of allowing applicants to proceed with their projects in the most expeditious manner. In addition, an Environmental Impact Report/Statement (EIR/EIS) must respond directly to issues introduced by responsible agencies, interest groups, and community organizations. Although any environmental document can be challenged, a document that is prepared using a comprehensive approach with appropriately conservative assumptions is likely to withstand any legal challenges that might be raised. Because a project’s environmental document is sometimes scrutinized by interested parties, the potential environmental effects of the project must be fully analyzed and disclosed.

tacx flux s noise

ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT/STATEMENT PREPARATION AND TECHNICAL ANALYSISĬAJA approaches the preparation of each environmental document with an emphasis on quality and thoroughness of analysis.

Tacx flux s noise